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Some of my essays are paywalled. If you want to read any of them, drop me a line and we'll sort it out xx


Men, Women and Chain Saws and Me, Journal of American Studies (forthcoming)


When the Woman Writes: Screenwriting, Censorship and Style in Sorry, Wrong Number, Quarterly Review of Film and Video (2025)


inesgotáveln / inexhaustible, in the book Brazilian Horror Cinema in the Twenty-First Century: Neo-Fascism, Disaffection, Resistance (2025) 


Suffocated But Screaming, Open Screens (2025)


I Can Hear Someone Coming, Monstrum (2025)


The History of Horror Film is a Feminist Audiovisual Archive, / La historia del cine de terror es un archivo audiovisual feminista (trans. Valeria Villegas Lindvall) [in]Transition: Journal of Videographic Film and Moving Image Studies (2024)


Why His Heart is Broken, A Bittersweet Life Limited Edition Blu–ray, Second Sight Films (2024)


Screenwriting, Poetics, Horror, Screen (2024)


The Language of RageTeknokultura: Journal of Digital Culture and Social Movements (2024)


A Terrible Cold-Blooded Murder of an Innocent Woman, In Media Res (2024)


Feminist Worldmaking and Horror Film, MAI: Feminism & Visual Culture (2024)


How Not to Reproduce What We Inherit, MAI: Feminism & Visual Culture (2024)


Last Night was Lucy's Birthday, From the Other Side Exhibition Catalogue, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art (2023)


Towards a Feminist Historiography of Horror Cinema, Horror Studies (2022) - Shortlisted for Outstanding Achievement Award 2023, Journal Article of the Year, MECCSA


Why Audition Endures, Arrow Films (2022)


Beyond Nasty: Censor's British Origins, Censor Limited Edition Blu–ray, Second Sight Films (2022)


When the Walls Collapse, Dog Soldiers Limited Edition Blu–Ray, Second Sight Films (2022)


The Demonic Possession of Dementer, Arrow Films (2022)


The Hidden Work of Women: Commissioning and Development in British Television DramaFeminist Media Studies (2022) - Winner of the Outstanding Journal Article of the Year 2022, Screenwriting Research Network


The Interpretation of Screams: Freud, The Unconscious and the Horror Hotel, Sleep Limited Edition Blu–ray, Arrow Video (2022)


Blood and Friendship in Bleed with Me, Shudder (2021)


The Heritage of Horror in A Tale of Two Sisters, Arrow Films (2021)


17 Horror Films to Watch after Fear Street, Buzzfeed (2021) - then recommended in Shudder's newsletter, The Bite


The Return of the Daylight Horror Film, Stylist (2021)


'You Didn't Know I Exist!': The Feminist Possibilities of MausoleumGhouls Magazine (2021)


Their Wild and Dreadful RaptureBloody Women (2021)


Gender, Genre and Television Screenwriting: The Problem of Pigeonholing, European Journal of Cultural Studies (2021) - Nominated for the Outstanding Journal Article of the Year 2021, Screenwriting Research Network


Women Make (Write, Produce, Direct, Shoot, Edit and Analyze) Horror in the book Women Make Horror: Filmmaking, Feminism, Genre (2020)


The Script, The Séance And The Censor: Writing Night Of The Demon (1957), Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television (2017)


Dracula on Film, 1931 - 1959 in the book The Cambridge Companion to Dracula (2017)


How to Write a Horror Film: The Awakening (2011) and Development Practices in the British Film IndustryFilm Studies (2016)


Speaking for Herself: Andrea Dunbar and Bradford on Film, Journal for Cultural Research (2016)


‘A Revolutionary Voice’: Analysing Maxine Peake’s Northern Stardom in Silk and Room at the Top, Journal of Popular Television (2016)


The Feminine Appeal of British Horror CinemaNew Review of Film and Television Studies (2015) - Selected for the Fall 2022 Editor's Picks, New Review of Film and Television Studies Blog


Creepy Liver-Eating Fox Ladies: The Thousand Year Old Fox and Korea’s Gumiho in the book Korean Horror Cinema (2013)


Gothic Vancouver: Blood Ties and Vampire Television, Gothic Studies (2012)


Ocularcentrism, Horror and the Lord of the Rings Films, Journal of Adaptation in Film and Performance (2012)


Tracing Tradition in Korean Horror FilmAsian Cinema (2011) 


Horrible Women: Abjection, Gender and Ageing in Nip/Tuck in the book Nip/Tuck: Television That Gets Under Your Skin (2011)

A Broken Tradition: British Telefantasy and Children's Television in the 1980s and 1990sVisual Culture in Britain (2010)


In a Lonely Place? Dexter and Film Noir in the book Dexter: Investigating Cutting Edge Television (2010)


On Supernatural in the book The Essential Cult TV Reader (2010)

Destroying the Male Body in British Horror Cinema in the book Mysterious Skin: Male Bodies in Contemporary Cinema (2009)


Dexter and Film Noir: Lila the Femme Fatale, In Media Res (2009)

The Impossibility of Vision: Vampirism, Formlessness and Horror in Vampyr, Studies in European Cinema (2009)


Bauhaus of Horrors: Edgar G. Ulmer and The Black Cat in the book Edgar G. Ulmer: Detour on Poverty Row (2008)


Uncanny Cylons: Resurrection and Bodies of Horror in the book Cylons in America: Critical Studies in Battlestar Galactica (2008)

Postfeminism Without Limits? Charmed, Horror and Sartorial Style in the book Investigating Charmed: The Magic Power of TV (2007) 


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